the country as a whole has surged to all time records (after being down last yr)

this is highly predictable. humans, like rats, want enriched, social environments.

deprived of this, they are miserable and desperate. add a healthy dollop of unremitting fear on top, and well...
to cancer where missed appointments and missed diagnostic opportunities is going to lead to years of extra deaths and suffering. early detection is often the difference between successful treatment and "get your affairs in order."
they are causing people to die for fear of seeking health care and disrupting health programs and education for children, especially those who need them most.

and their effect on COV has been basically zero. the absolute best case is a minor delay.
it's easy to get myopic and focus on deaths and cases and hospitalizations as we assess lockdown efficacy, but we must never forget that the also have immense costs and that every choice is always a trade off.

to pretend otherwise is the act of a fool.
and this was all known and knowable. many people, including certain internet felines were predicting this in march.

and the evidence is now beyond crystal clear: lockdowns will kill far more people than covid.
they are also inflicting staggering economic costs, mental health costs, and ravaging whole societies. this was never that severe a pandemic crisis. we've weathered far worse without such draconian policies and been just fine.

and lockdowns were always pseudoscience.
it was the answer then and still is now. the catastrophic harm to lives, livelihoods, mental health, and life development caused by these lockdowns is orders of magnitude beyond their worth even if they stopped every single covid death.

they will be net killers, not net savers.
and they will do so while inflicting a grievous price upon whole societies.

this is why trying to wrap them up in a cloak of ethical grandstanding and virtue signaling is so misguided and despicable.

it's pushing societal strychnine as a health tonic.

and it needs to stop.
stop accepting these false appeals to dogmatic morality that have missed the whole point.

anyone saying "you cannot but a price on life" is a dullard who understands neither life nor trade offs.

lockdowns do not "save grandma" they kill societies.
lockdowns are the self indulgent dogma of a secular religion that never had any basis in facts or science.

it ignored all trade offs to erect a false moral high ground from which to hector sense and rationality into silence.

it has done more than enough damage.

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