The GOP leaders don't want right wing justices to get rid of a woman's right to choose, they want to use getting rid of a women's right to choose as a way of gaining support for judges that will make it easier for the rich to get richer & for the powerful to maintain their power.
The goal is more Citizen's Uniteds, more Shelby County decisions, more voter suppression, more approval for gerrymandering, more rejection of regulations, more gutting of the government's ability to help those in need (ACA).
The "right to life" and pro-Second Amendment arguments feed the base, the evangelicals, money groups like the NRA (used to be). But views like those--which are so antithetical from a moral perspective it completely undermines any ideological basis for their positions--
are the "sizzle." Big donors want something else. They want to undermine the power of government to interfere with their money-making, they want to ensure government does not play a larger role meeting social needs because they know higher taxes from those with money are...
...the only way to pay for such programs. And they want to rig the system however, they can to give more power to them as big donors and to take power away from the average person in the street. The ideology of the right is all about is institutionalizing their oligarchy.
As we fight for the future of our judiciary, it is important to understand this, to understand what we are really debating, what we are really fighting about and for. They don't much like democracy. They like minority rule. They want to preserve it and strengthen it.
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