The Democrat Party is now completely incapable of arguing rationally for any of its policy goals. It's nothing but thuggish threats - riots in the streets, threats to destroy the Constitution if their demands are not met. They've abandoned persuasion for power and violence.
I'm going to keep repeating this warning to voters: if you reward Democrats at the ballot box for thuggish violence, you WILL get more of it. Do not for an instant accept the implicit bargain that you'll get some semblance of normality back if you yield to their demands.
Dems are addicted to violence and force because compulsion is a key part of their political identity. Their entire ideology is based on the idea that a wise and brilliant elite must force the rest of us to live right, protect the Earth, achieve "fairness" and "justice," etc.
Once they get a taste of using violence and threats to accomplish their ends, they'll go wild with the taste of blood. Persuasion is hard and often frustrating work. Violence and threats are exhilarating and deeply satisfying. A primitive itch is scratched by mob tactics.
You can clearly see the Democrat Party is addicted to violence and force RIGHT NOW. It will get exponentially worse if they are rewarded with electoral victory. They'll go into every future debate remembering BLM, Antifa, and the Great Crusade for RBG's Seat.
Reliance on mob tactics and violence erodes the rest of a party's political skills. Let the other side horse around with persuasion, restraint, and respect for the rules! We get what we want or cities burn and another piece of the Constitution dies!
The rising stars in a degenerate Democrat Party will not be thoughtful liberals who can argue persuasively for policy goals while respecting dissent. Their expertise will be brute-force populism and rabble-rousing. Again, you can see this happening RIGHT NOW. It will get worse.
There is absolutely zero chance the Democrats will turn away from these ugly tactics if they are successful. They'll repeat and refine the model that worked, over and over again, unless they become convinced violence and threats to the Constitution are political losers.
And why would they change? Aggression always advances against weakness. If the American people are not willing to fight for law and order, the Constitution, and the republic, then why shouldn't the Left take it all away? They'll feel like their critique of America was validated.
If you give them power after they threaten and harass you, they'll tell each other they were right to judge you guilty of historical crimes, right to use force to impose "justice" as they see it. They'll do it again. They'll never stop thinking of reasons to punish America. /end
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