I saw an article where teachers were annoyed by what they saw adults/family members doing in the background of Zoom classes.

Here’s the thing:

Your students are going to recognize their families & homes in these descriptions.
It is first of all not your business (unless a student is being harmed), but second of all, it may be a violation of FERPA to discuss it in detail. Not sure, but I could see scenarios where it is.
Also, as a poor kid who was well aware my home was not as nice as many & my father could be *a whole lot* and yeah he’d be drinking or smoking ....I didn’t want people seeing where I lived or my parents.
Plus I was abused and school was a separate space where I could create another identity / mask my trauma ...

I feel like teachers who talk this way about Zoom are not respecting serious & sacred boundaries and not thinking through consequences on students.
That’s not to say people should just do whatever naked thing in the background of a Zoom!

But .... I question describing it all so publicly and in detail in ways that could harm students.
Also my family never gave me space for school work. I can imagine many families don’t for Zoom, either.

Don’t hold the kids accountable for it. Trust me, they are already frustrated by it.
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