1) ok guys today is bloody and red and shitty so let's play a game of 'what projects that I'm not a part of do I think are really legit'

also I'm not going to say the obvious big ones, y'all know those.



2) ok obviously $SOL.

Some backstory: I talked to like 30 different blockchains. Each said they were fast.

Most said they had 5k TPS but actually had less, they were stretching it.

@solana said they had 50k TPS, which is 10x more!
3) we tested it during the call, they were also stretching it, 50k was a stale number; they actually had like 100k (!!)

and also it keeps growing.

So, yeah, say what you will, but Solana isn't just fast, it's faster, and probably the fastest
4) also all the other calls people were like "hey guys what if we gave away tokens for yield"

Solana was like "hey guys what if we structured our blockchain in a way that made it more efficient for computers to run, that seems good right? Yeah that's what we did."
5) cool, glad I got that out of my system.

What else?

Well I've referenced $BTMX before. @BitMax_Official is growing, and surprisingly large, and ambitious.

Also BTMX gets 80% of their profit, which is a lot!

And its market cap is low for exchange tokens.
6) @avalancheavax just launched their blockchain and their token is launching soon.

I don't know how it will turn out! No one does.

But, like, I can say: they have a real team, and build real products, and have real thoughts that have real reasons behind them.
7) that alone places them in the upper pantheon of tokens. _And_ they put those thoughts into their product. No way!

They're in the very short short-list of L1 blockchains that seem to be 'legit'.

I've also heard Serious People say Good Things about @NEARProtocol.
8) some people say @Polkadot is like if ETH2.0 launched today, though I don't have first-hand conviction in this, and also think that if you're not ETH you should be aiming a lot higher than ETH2.0.
9) @helium is a cool example of "company that is high upside and executing well on the plan even if you ignore crypto, also they're backed by a token".

Generally "token with revenue" > "token without revenue", all else equal!
10) alright I'm confused by $YFI. On the one hand, I think people don't realize that while it itself isn't yield farming, it's revenue comes from yield farming, so it's still really tied to it. So it crashes with farming.

On the other hand, @AndreCronjeTech is a baller.
11) and in particular, @AndreCronjeTech keeps building, so though I'm bearish on YFI as it exists right now, YFI might become something much more powerful over time.

IDK, YFI seems much more like a bet on @AndreCronjeTech then a bet on @iearnfinance to me.
12) to be clear I would short sell the shit out of those models attempting to directly project TVL/earnings/etc. of YFI as it exists today.

But like I feel a lot less good shorting @AndreCronjeTech's building. Lots have done that. Few have won to it.
13) alright, again, I'm ignoring $BNB $HT $OKB etc., and $COMP $LEND $AAVE $BAL etc., because yeah obviously they have real products, also everyone knows them.
14) $HXRO is building some cool shit, as are $CREAM and $SXP and $MATH and $TOMO and $SUSHI.

And probably many more than I'm missing.
15) So a few notes on these.

a) I'm not saying it's good to buy these. It might not be! It might be bad!

Among other things, some of them are already up a lot. At some point it's no longer cheap.

b) I have conflicts here.
16) In fact I *definitely* have conflicts of interest on many of these.


Because when we think a project is really cool, we'll often buy tokens.

So the fact that I think they're cool enough to mention means we might have thought they were cool enough to buy.
17) Again, prices matter, and so that doesn't mean buying now is good.

Some of these we never bought much of because we were too late.

I tried hard to buy $COMP the day before it listed, but by then it was already up a ton. Oops.
18) Also there a few that would be here, if they ever listed a coin (talking to you, @cmsholdings / @genesisblockhk / @multicoincap / @mikevanrossum / @mattysino / @coin98_wallet / @bluekirbyfi!).
19) Anyway, that just goes to say:

This isn't just a customary "not investment advice".

I really do mean it. I probably thought most of these coins were good to buy at some point, but for some of them that point isn't now. (For some of them, it is!)
20) Anyway, TL;DR (oops you've already read it):

Three cheers to the builders, who make crypto what it is.

There are a lot of them, interspersed between the noise.

You are the future of crypto, and so the future of crypto depends on you.

Keep building.
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