2) this again means 6 feet rule is entirely not enough indoors
4) Specifically, “There is growing evidence that droplets and airborne particles can remain suspended in the air and be breathed in by others, and travel distances beyond 6 feet (for example, during choir practice, in restaurants, or in fitness classes).” !!!
5) “In general, indoor environments without good ventilation increase this risk.”

as said before, THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS VENTILATION. now CDC acknowledges it. Here is how to disperse it swiftly in a room. Room air clearance rate is key.
6) The odd thing is that airborne virus for #Covid19 has been assumed by many Asian countries for months. Why had it taken so damn long for CDC to acknowledge it??? But late is better than never: albeit late is a policy failure in lack of heeding precautionary principle. https://twitter.com/alinouriphd/status/1307996268627718144
7) Because it’s not like we didn’t have early evidence— we did!!! As early as February! That’s like 7 months ago! https://twitter.com/alinouriphd/status/1307996270670352385
8) And it’s not like we didn’t have multitudes of studies suggesting airborne aerosols since. It has literally been MOUNTAIN 🏔 upon MOUNTAINS ⛰ of evidence towards aerosols and need for ventilation for #Covid19 risk. https://twitter.com/alinouriphd/status/1305899457540771847
9) Whether it’s the call center in Korea where 43% of an entire floor (way more than 6 ft) got infected... APRIL study. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1253767231940562945
10) Or experts clamoring for months about aerosols. https://twitter.com/jljcolorado/status/1282184696466554883
11) Classic study is choir singing outbreak in WA from May of one person spreading it to 87% of other people in room. But only 1-2 people within 6 feet, and only had 10 min breaks in which he/she otherwise would’ve needed to spit on 50 others? Unlikely. Hence it was aerosol. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1260436646882934786
12) or how about this study of monks on a pilgrimage on a bus? Bus had AC on air recirculation mode. 23 infected. But those sitting closer not more at risk than those sitting farther on the bus!!! Ummm... that’s airborne aerosols right there now ballistic gravity droplet. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1301719502548357120
13) or the air conditioning study in a restaurant showing infected were in the path of air conditioner wind at tables way farther than 6 feet. That suggests airborne aerosols again. https://twitter.com/alinouriphd/status/1305899464599756801?s=21
14) there was even also “smoking gun” proof of aerosols being INFECTIOUS — as in the samples collected out of the air was able to be virus cultured on a Petri dish to infect new cells. And they collected the samples huge distances away from the source. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1293340312484675584
15) Another aerosol study also shows that once #SARSCoV2 aerosolized, it could be stable in the air for 16 hours! Tougher than previous coronaviruses. https://twitter.com/alinouriphd/status/1305899468882051074
16) The early Biogen superspreading conferences Boston in March was also a tell tale sign of airborne aerosols. Great video explainer by @kprather88 with @DrLaPook.
17) And again, we knew Biogen was a superspreading event to led to cases across the US and the world. And “half infected” as Dr Prather pointed about in above video means it was not typical fomite (surface touch) or close droplet spread. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1237562852644253698
18) We know this #SARSCoV2 is a bad boy that stays in the air. Video from Japan. It’s not just 20 minutes but can usually stay in air for 4 hours or more too.
19) And research in Japan also shows it indeed stays in the air and mask can mitigate it a lot under laser light.
20) I’m glad CDC has now come out with admitting aerosol risk of airborne transmission. WHO only semi admits it - but still downplays its relative importance even after 239 aerosol scientists signed a letter. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1279749506037317634
21) CDC still took too long. Heck, even UK’s expert SAGE group admits aerosol transmission risk over a month ago too. We could have prevented so many more cases if we took precautionary principle from the beginning. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1296182788111114242
22) Speaking of beginning, WHO leader @DrTedros did once speak of the “corona is airborne” back in March. But then the WHO committees walked back the statement and refused to acknowledge aerosol transmission for many more months (until after the letter by 239 aerosol scientists).
24) Top German scientist @c_drosten also admitted aerosols transmission likely bigger than large droplets back in July—2 months ago! https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1285603683531665408
25) Furthermore, we knew 2 months ago that the Diamond 💎 Princess cruise ship 🛳 also indicated microscopic aerosol droplets was a major source of the on board ship transmission and why that ship was a superspreading event. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1288837200621318144
26) By the way, a good note is that droplets by definition are projectiles that aren’t inhaled per CDC in @theNASEM presentation. Airborne are the aerosols that can remain in air for up to several hours and spread by air currents. So new CDC guidelines are indeed huge sea change. https://twitter.com/jljcolorado/status/1307811639043923968
27) as you can see from long thread of evidence, aerosol scientists like @kprather88 @jljcolorado @ShellyMBoulder @linseymarr and FAS folks @AliNouriPhD @mykfish have been frustrated by lack of aerosol recognition for months. But is the policy coming months late, dollar short? https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1289823867314122753
29) I really want to give special shout out to @jljcolorado for his advocacy on aerosol transmission all these months that led to the new CDC recognition of airborne risks. He was advocating aerosols from very beginning w/ @linseymarr, and among the most vocal. So thank you sir! https://twitter.com/jljcolorado/status/1307918933391933441
30) Ultimately I think the single biggest factor in this success was @kprather88 emailing Dr Fauci, and having Fauci push it inside the agencies. This email reply from Fauci is just total gold. Thanks again Kim!!! https://twitter.com/kprather88/status/1290010726401105920
31) holy shit... CDC just took down the airborne guidance. WTH. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1308077026042089472
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