How will you fight darkness?
You just have to bring in light. That's all.

Darkness doesn't have an existence of its own. It is merely the absence of light.
Bring in the light, and darkness disappears. Because it never was.

You can try a million things on darkness. You can try to punch it, drive it away, kill it, block it, and so on...

But you will only be exhausted and feel helpless.
You will start thinking, I am so weak.

This seems the logical conclusion, isn't it? That If you have been struggling with darkness and you could not defeat it and destroy it, it means that darkness is very, very extremely powerful.
And that you are impotent before it. But the reality is just the opposite.

You're not weak & helpless. You're rowing the boat in the wrong direction.

Darkness is absolutely impotent. Because it doesn't exist.

So do not try to fight ignorance.
Just bring in the light of awareness and it shall disappear.
Because it never was.

(Note : I'm not saying anything new. I'm just repeating what the enlightened beings have been saying for ages and ages.)

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