Cavett Robert said it best when he said:

"Don't be in too much of a hurry to promote, until you get good. Otherwise, you speed up the rate at which the world finds out your no good."

It is important you create a masterpiece before you promote. Here's how in 3 steps.
Step 1: Start with the Market.

People have the answer, tour job is to ask the questions.

The only way to uncover gems in your target market is if you spend quality time with them.

Spend time identifying their pain.

Do deep research.

Do it like your life depends on it.
Be deliberate about getting the answers.

Step 2: Create Solution with your market.

During your research, you will uncover gems.

But the truth is, these gems are just ideas.

And ideas don't come fully formed.

Ideas are like a huge mass of stone.

You still have to sculpt your masterpiece out of it by chopping of edges, chiselling out portions.

So create with your audience.

Put out a test and try to validate it with your audience.

Their feedback will tell you what they want.
They are the ones who will help you confirm that your product is good and ready to fly.

Step 3: Promote.

I know you are so interested in the sale.

You just want the money to come in.

But there's a difference between marketing and sale.

You have to market first.
You need to sit down with your pen and paper and draw out a plan of action.

Everything you will do to get people excited and expectant of your product.

Put in all the numbers, the iterations and steps.

When you have the plan, execute.
Don't be like the marketer or business owner who tosses his seeds anyhow in the hope that they fall on good ground.

Keep your eyes on the goal the way the lion stalks his prey.

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