Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of Satan, Azazel & the Rebellious Angels
By: John of the Gentiles

Settle back for this one...
Preamble to the United Nations General Assembly Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18 (A/RES/3/217 A) (10 December 1948):
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
United States Bill of Rights First Amendment to the United States Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 18.1 (General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 A.D.):
“Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.”
“…men are apt to deride what they do not understand.
And the ignorant, not being aware of the weakness of
their minds, condemn what they ought most to venerate.” - St. Cyril of Alexandria, 7th Book Against Julian

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike (circa. 1871 A.D.):

“The Essenes…believed that true philosophy, the greatest
and most salutary gift of God to mortals, was scattered, in
various portions, through all the different sects;

and that it was, consequently, the duty of every wise man to gather it from the several quarters where it lay dispersed, and to employ it, thus reunited, in destroying the dominion of impiety and vice.”
Eliphas Levi in the Introduction to his Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual) (circa. 1855 A.D.):

“Behind the veil of all the hieratic and mystical allegories of ancient doctrines, behind the darkness and strange ordeals of all initiations, under the seal of all sacred writings, in the ruins of Nineveh or Thebes,
on the crumbling stones of old temples and on the blackened visage of the Assyrian or Egyptian sphinx, in the monstrous or marvelous paintings which interpret to the faithful of India the inspired pages of the Vedas,
in the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the ceremonies practiced at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed.”
It is time to remove the veil, to destroy the dominion of impiety and vice.
1. …In the Beginning…

The Book of the Beginning of Kabbalah

The Two Creation Stories in the Book of Genesis
Unbeknownst to very many there are two distinct creation
stories encountered in the opening pages of our Bible, in the most devout Book of Genesis. Critics like to cite these two contradictory creation stories as being evidence of The Bible’s fictitious nature.
Its supporters staunchly explain these differences away. Others pass the day most happily incoherent. But there are, however, in regards to their creation, two quite entirely different planets of which the Biblical narrative speaks.
The first is the planet on which we live, our Earth, and there is also a second planet, the planet known as the New Earth, of which the prophet Isaiah writes:
Genesis 2:4-25 describes events taking place on the New Earth, including Adam’s creation upon it (this sequence of scripture conversely states that man was created prior to the creation of plants and vegetation. See Genesis 2:4-7). https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/gen/2/4/s_2004
That there are two planets of which The Bible narrative speaks is the reason for this supposed creation contradiction.
The fact that there are two worlds of which The Bible speaks is essential in establishing the setting for our story.
The planet known as the “New Earth” is specifically mentioned by name in Revelations 21:1 and is “the world to come” referred to in Hebrews 2:5 (the Jewish Talmud likewise speaks of: “…two worlds, that in which we live and
the world to come…”). https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/rev/21/1/s_1188001
The existence of two such Earths was also one of the secret teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries.
The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXXVI speaks of the existence of these “two earths.”

The mediaeval Persian author of The Bustan (Sa’di) likewise therein professes the knowledge of the existence of these “two worlds” while additionally stating: “Since Thou (God) didst make us precious in the world, we have expectation of this same dearness in the future world.”
See also The Acts of Sharbel (Syriac) which states: “The kings of this world are conscious of this world only; but the King of all kings, He has revealed and shown to us that there is another world.”

In a like way the Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon (Syriac) states: “To the God whom you deny here (on our Earth) belongs that other world (the New Earth).”

The influential Christian theologian Emanuel Swedenborg also agrees: “There are two worlds; a spiritual world (the New Earth) where spirits and angels are; and a natural world (our Earth) where men are.” See Canons Chapter IV.2 (Swedenborg, 1769 A.D).

And as we learn from the early church father Tertullian in Chapter XXV of Against Hermogenes (Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III) the Greek philosopher Hermogenes likewise held that: “There are Two Earths Mentioned in the History of the Creation” in The Bible.

No doubt there are other examples. The writings of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin is the first to come to mind.

Satan’s First Rebellion
Through the piecing together of ancient arcane writings from many diverse sources gathered as it were from the far-flung quarters of the world, we can recreate the complete history of the angels Satan, Azazel and the angels who joined them in rebellion.
This story may surprise you if you believe angels can do no wrong. For reasons of clarification I include notes in parenthesis.
From various sacred sources we learn in the time period
subsequent to the creation of the angels God had announced the forthcoming creation of a being he called Adam on the aforementioned New Earth.
Many of God’s angels were at the time vehemently opposed to this creation of man for man was to be made to be superior to the angels.
This story is revealed to us in The Koran (variously the
Quran/Alcoran), the sacred book of Islam:
“And when your Lord (God) said to the angels, I am going to place in the earth (on the New Earth within the Garden of Eden) a caliph (the caliph of which he speaks is Adam), they (Satan, Azazel and the rebellious angels) said:
What! Wilt Thou place in it such as shall make mischief in it and shed blood, and we (angels) celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness? (This portends Satan’s First Rebellion) He (God) said: Surely I know what you do not know.”
In connection with this incident related in The Koran, 3 Enoch IV.6 speaks of three “ministering angels,” the angel Azazel amongst them, protesting to God concerning Adam’s intended creation:
“Said not the Ancient Ones (angels) rightly before Thee (God): Do not create man” (See also Midrash Bereshit Rabbati: The Midrash of Shemhazai and Azazel).

The Chronicles of Jerahmeel XXV.1-2 echoes this sentiment when it states: “…did we (“we” being therein identified as the angels Shemhazai and Azazel) not say unto Thee (God) when Thou didst create Thy world, ‘Do not create man’?”

Remember this name Azazel, for he is an important character in the history of Kabbalah.
These angels were quite vocal in their opposition to God’s intended creation of Adam.
After Adam’s creation upon the New Earth, an act opposed by a number of God’s angels, the high-ranking authoritative angel Azazel amongst them, God commanded the angels in heaven to humbly approach Adam in obeisance.
It was at this time that the chief angel Michael, as military commander of God’s angelic legions, commanded the mighty angel Satan to worship the created man Adam who was made in the image of God.
This event is related in The Gospel of Bartholomew:

“But the devil (this devil is Satan) said: Suffer me, and I will tell thee how I was cast down into this place and how the Lord (God) did make man.
I was going to and fro in the world, and God said to Michael: Bring me a clod from the four corners of the (New) earth, and waters out of the four rivers of paradise (of the Garden of Eden).
And when Michael brought them God formed Adam in the regions of the east, and shaped the clod which was shapeless (read: an unformed body [in Hebrew a ‘golem,’ by definition a ‘shapeless mass’]), and stretched sinews and veins upon it and established it with joints;
and he (the archangel Michael) worshipped him (Michael worshipped Adam), himself for his own sake, for he (Adam) was the image of God, therefore he (Michael) worshipped him (as God had so commanded).
And when I (Satan) came from the ends of the (New) earth Michael said: Worship thou the image of God (Adam), which he (God) hath made according to his likeness.
But I (Satan) said: I am fire of fire, I was the first angel formed, and shall worship clay and matter? And Michael saith to me: Worship, lest God be wroth with thee.
But I said to him: God will not be wroth with me; but I will set my throne over against his throne, and I will be as he is (Satan rebelled against God).
Then God was wroth with me and cast me down (Satan’s rebellion was defeated)…”
The Gospel of Bartholomew 4:52-54,55 (See also The Gospel of Bartholomew 5:25)
Compare also to the Yazidi story of Tawûsê Melek [variously Melek Tawus (‘Tawus’ is a cognate of ‘Tammuz’); also known as Melek Anzazîl (the Yezidi trace their ancestry back to the angels who interbred with earth women
[See p.11 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson, 2000 A.D.]as related in Genesis 6:4, back to the very “Cainite bloodline that goes back to the fallen angels” [Ibid p.15].
The word ‘Anzazil’ is a cognate of the word ‘Azazel’).
According to Yazidi sacred writings: “Then the Great God said: "O Angels, I will create Adam and Eve”… the Lord commanded Gabriel to bring earth from the four corners of
the world, earth, air, fire, and water.
He created it and put in it the spirit of his own power, and
called it Adam.” - Al-Jilwah (The Revelation). “Melek Ṭâ’ûs (Melek Tawus, the angel Azazel) refused to worship Adam when God commanded him to do so…”
Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz by Isya Joseph, (1919 A.D.) Mashaf Reš (The Black Book): Appendix to Part I.

The adept magus Nigel Jackson on p.33 in The Pillars of Tubal Cain correctly identifies the Melek Taus worshipped by the Yezidi as being the Genesis Serpent of The Bible:
“In the angelic mythos of Yezidistan…the Great Angel Melek Taus (the Peacock King) is identified with Azazel…He is depicted as the Black Snake, the original serpent of wisdom in the Garden of Eden.”
According to its selection in Wikipedia: “Yazidi accounts of creation differ from that of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They believe that God first created Tawûsê Melek (at times
depicted as a black snake.
See p.7 of The God of the Witches by Margaret Alice Murray, 1933 A.D. [depicted as a black snake standing upon its tail]) from his own illumination (Ronahî) and the other six archangels were created later...

Then God created the other archangels and ordered them to bring him dust (Ax) from the Earth (Erd) and build the body of Adam. Then God gave life to Adam from his own breath and instructed all archangels to bow to Adam.
The archangels obeyed except for Tawûsê Melek (also known as the Peacock Angel). In answer to God, Tawûsê
Melek replied, "How can I submit to another being! I am from your illumination while Adam is made of dust."”
Of an interesting note, America sided with the pro-Azazel Kurdish Yezidi in our war against Iraq:
“The Yazidi (also Yezidi, Kurdish: ئئئئئئ or Êzidî) are members of a Kurdish religion with ancient Indo-Iranian roots. They are primarily a Kurdish-speaking people living in the Mosul region of northern Iraq…”
The Kurds were American allies under President George W. Bush in his war against Iraq.
Notable quote: “The sect of the Yezidees was founded by Sheik Adi [ben Musafir] in the fifth century. Mr. W. B. Seabrook's observations on the Yezidees, as recorded in his book, Adventures in Arabia, form a basis for the study of the beliefs of this sect.
According to his informant, the Yezidee faith is briefly this:
Occult Theocracy by Lady Queensborough, Edith Starr

“God created seven spirits [angels] ‘as a man lighteth one lamp after another,’ and the first of these spirits was Satan, whom God made supreme ruler of the earth...
And because Satan was supreme master of the earth, those who dwelt on it could prosper only by doing him homage and worshipping him."
Consider also this from The Apocalypse of Sedrach:

“Thou (God) commandest thine angels to make approach to Adam, and the first of the angels himself (Satan) transgressed thy commandment and did not make any approach to the work of thine hands…” - The Apocalypse of Sedrach V (This document dates from the 2nd – 5th Century A.D.)
The Midrash Bereshit Rabbati likewise relates:

“The day when he (Adam) was endowed with his knowledge, the Holy One (God), blessed be He, commanded the ministering angels: ‘Enter and bow down to him!’
The ministering angels entered to perform the will of the Holy One, blessed be He.
(However,) Satan, who was the mightiest of all the angels in heaven, said to the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘Master of the universe!
You created us from the Divine Glory, and now You say to us, ‘Bow yourselves down!’ before one (before Adam)
whom You created from the dirt of the earth??!?’”
The following excerpt concerning this event is from the Syriac Book of the Cave of Treasures (British Museum MS. Add. 25875):

“And when the prince (this prince is Satan) of the lower order of angels saw what great majesty had been given unto Adam, he was jealous of him from that day, and he did not wish to worship him.
And he (Satan) said unto his hosts (to the angels under his command), “Ye shall not worship him (Adam), and ye shall not praise him with the angels.
It is meet that ye should worship me, because I am fire and spirit; and not that I should worship a thing of dust, which hath been fashioned of fine dust.”
And the Rebel (Satan) meditating these things would not render obedience to God, and of his own free will he asserted his independence and separated himself from God. But he was swept away (by God) out of heaven and fell…”
The Book of the Cave of Treasures - The First Thousand Years [The Revolt of Satan, and the Battle in Heaven] Fol. 5b, col. 1,2 (circa 4th-6th Century A.D.)
It must also be noted that the Clementine manuscript known as The Book of the Rolls relates that after God placed Adam at his creation in possession of all God’s Creation, creations which included the angels themselves: “

…the Devil (Satan) saw the gift that was given to Adam from the Lord (God)” and “he (Satan) envied him (Adam) from that day.”
“God did not make death…through the devil’s envy (of Adam) death came into the world” (See The Wisdom of Solomon 1:13, 2:24).
And it was for this reason, because of his envy (definition: to desire something possessed by somebody else), that Satan as we shall see, with the help of the angel Azazel, seduced the woman Eve. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
A Coptic magic text from Egypt offers the following tiny tidbit concerning Satan’s rebellion against God:
“I, Michael, with all those (angels) who follow me, offered adoration to Atoran (Adam), who is the work of his (of God’s) hands. When we offered adoration to Aromachrim, who is Adam, Santanael (Satan) was disobedient to you (Satan refused to worship Adam).
You (God) deprived the first formed one (the first created of the angels, Satan) of your holy glory, you deprived the son of perdition (Satan) of your holy glory. You overturned his foundations.” Heidelberg Kopt. 686
The Kebra Nagast Chapter 100 tells us at the time of Adam’s creation the rebellious angels “reviled and made a laughingstock of Adam.” It must be remembered Adam was the image of God. By doing so to Adam, they were doing so also to God.

The angels under Satan’s military command likewise rejected Adam as a being superior to themselves, and like Satan they also refused to worship Adam, they thereby being in active rebellion against God through their refusal to obey God’s military commands:
“And when I (Satan) was cast down, he (Michael) also asked the six hundred that were under me (the 600 angels under Satan’s command), if they would worship (Adam): but they said:
Like as we have seen the first angel (Satan) do, neither will we worship him that is less than ourselves.
Then were the six hundred (this group of rebel angels are known as the Igigi; the word ‘igigi’ means ‘six hundred’) cast down by him (by God) with me…we were cast (out of the Majestic Glory) down upon the earth (our saga speaks of two earths. This earth is the New Earth).”
The Gospel of Bartholomew 4:56,57
Tammuz and Ishtar (S. Langdon, “Shillito Reader of Assyriology, Oxford,” 1914 A.D. Ishtar was known as the “mistress of the Igigi” [Ibid p.93])

(The ‘six hundred’ angels mentioned in The Gospel of Bartholomew are known as the Igigi. The word ‘igigi’ means ‘six hundred’ (See Babyloniaca iv. 236 n. 2):)
“Even more explicit is her (Azazel’s human wife, the goddess
Ishtar’s) title queen of the Igigi, or of the six hundred spirits of heaven, a legion of divine beings who inhabit the skies (this refers to Satan’s group of 600 rebel angels).
But she (Azazel’s human wife) is also the regent (queen) of the corresponding spirits (angels) who reside in the underworld (this refers to Azazel’s group of 200 rebel angels who are entrapped within the earth as the reader shall soon learn).
These hosts or angels of heaven and earth…are termed the ‘great gods’…”
When Adam’s (and by extension mankind’s) authority over the angels was established, a veritable demotion in effect, Satan persuaded a group of angels to join him in a rebellion against God in order to overthrow God’s heavenly government, and to usurp God’s authority.
This incident is related in the Book of Isaiah in The Bible:
Isaiah 14:12-15 (Here God speaks to Satan who has taken possession of the body of the king of Babylon)
In the following scripture, we learn that Satan persuaded the
angels under his command to join him in a rebellion against God:
The First Book of Adam and Eve LV.7-14:

“…the angels said unto Adam, ‘Thou didst hearken to Satan, and didst forsake the Word of God who created thee; and thou didst believe that he would fulfill all that he had promised thee.
But now, O Adam, we will make known to thee, what came upon us (upon the angels who did not rebel) because of him (because of Satan), before his fall from heaven (before Satan’s expulsion from the Majestic Glory).
He (Satan) gathered his host (of angels, who were under his command), and deceived them, promising to give them a great kingdom (a promise he would later make to Jesus. See Mathew 4:8-9 and Luke 4:5-7),
a divine nature (that they might become like God, a false promise he also made to Eve. See Genesis 3:5); and other promises he made them.
His hosts (of angels) believed that his word was true, so they yielded to him, and renounced the glory of God.
He (Satan) then sent for us (angels)—according to the orders in which we were—to come under his command (to join his coalition of angels which sought to overthrow God), and to hearken to his vain promise.
But we would not, and we took not his advice.
Then after he (Satan) had fought (argued) with God, and had dealt forwardly with Him, he gathered together his hosts (of angels; the Igigi—the 600), and made war with us (Satan warred against the loyal angels of God who would not join in his rebellion).
And if it had not been for God’s strength that was with us, we could not have prevailed against him (Satan) to hurl him from heaven (from the Majestic Glory).
But when he (Satan) fell from among us (when his rebellion was defeated), there was great joy in heaven, because of his
going down from us…
God in His mercy drove him (Satan) from among us to this dark earth (to the New Earth); for he had become darkness itself and a worker in unrighteousness.’”
From this term for the New Earth, namely, the “dark earth,” comes the legend of the dark earth elves, folkloric representations of the rebellious fallen angels who originally
hailed from the New Earth.
The angel Azazel was amongst those angels who sided with
Satan in his rebellion against God.
In fact, Azazel’s story very closely parallels that of Satan’s own story (so much so that the one is often mistaken for the other. Azazel’s greatest trick was convincing everyone he doesn’t exist. Everyone knows of Satan’s existence.
Azazel is the Gnostic Iadabaoth (a compound word derived from the names of the gods Ia (alternatively spelled Ea),
Abad[don] and Thoth),
the Demiurge Samael/Saklas/Ialdobaoth as per the 2nd Century A.D. Sethian Gnostic text known as The Apocryphon of John, the “Lord of the World” whose anger blazed with jealous rage at the created primal man (Adam) who became superior to himself.

p.21 The History of Witchcraft and Demonology:

The Sethians were a Gnostic sect: “…amongst whom the serpent was the principal symbol. As the Creator of the world (God) was evil, the Tempter, the Serpent, was the benefactor of man.”
Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man p.299 by S.F. Dunlap, 1858 A.D

“Azazel is the head of all the bad demons of the Hebrews and dwells in the desert like the Egyptian Typhon. Azazel is Moloch and Samael.”
In Book III Chapter 18 of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Of
Occult Philosophy Agrippa mentions how

“Pherecydes the Syrian describeth the fall of the Devils (read: the fall of the rebellious fallen angels) and that Ophis, that is the Devilish Serpent (a reference to the Genesis Serpent Azazel), was the head of that rebellious Army” of angels who revolted against God.
(See also The Magus Book II: The Cabala; Or The Secret Mysteries Of Ceremonial Magic: Chapter VII: Of The Order Of Evil Spirits, And Their Fall, And Different Natures, which likewise makes this very same statement nearly word for word).

Perhaps Pherecydes (who was the master of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras) learned this from the Egyptians (both Pythagoras and his teacher Pherecydes were Greek, and the Greeks were one time masters of the Egyptians), as the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plates VII-X B.D.
Chapter XVII speaks of the first rebellion of the angels when it states: “…the battle of the gods (angels) was fought in which Osiris (read: Azazel)…was the leader.” Azazel during the rebellion acted in accordance with and under the influence of Satan.
The angel Azazel’s refusal to worship Adam is related in allegorical form in The First Book of Adam and Eve (also known as The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan):
“…God commanded the beasts (the angels)…to come to Adam and to be familiar with him…Then the beasts (those angels who did not rebel) did obeisance to Adam, according to the commandment of God; except the serpent (Azazel), against which God was wroth.
It (Azazel) did not come to Adam, with the beasts (with those angels who did not rebel).”
The First Book of Adam and Eve VII:8,9 (note the use of this term ‘beasts’ in reference to the angels. We find it crops up again most interestingly within the Biblical book of Revelations)
Azazel’s and Satan’s rebellion, a military coup, was utterly
unsuccessful and doomed to failure from the start.
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