Xinhua ( @XHNews) is China's official news agency, publishing in multiple languages. But unlike big news wires headquartered in democratic countries, Xinhua is completely state-run and has zero editorial independence. Its stories reflect official policy.
Is there a detailed break-down of the different major Chinese news outlets? If so, please let me know because we should share such a guide widely.

There could be bad unintended consequences if people treat the often-absurd Global Times as literally the voice of Xi Jinping.
On the other hand, when we lump all Chinese media together, we also miss out on some valuable journalism from outlets like @caixin. Twitter tags Caixin as "state-affiliated" media, but it's pretty much as independent as it gets (without being shut down). 
And many China nerds would agree that many articles from the relatively new English online magazine @sixthtone are vital for understanding the fabric of Chinese society, particularly youth culture. But its parent company is a state-owned enterprise. 
That means taking responsibility for conveying nuance to readers, and not treating the Global Times as the mouthpiece for Beijing. In all likelihood, its ramblings are dominated by the ideas of this one dude @HuXijin_GT. You can read his tweets in English.
Follow the @fccchina on updates on the working conditions of foreign journalists in China. I used to do research for @pressfreedom and can vouch for their very stringent fact-checking standards for their reports on press freedom in China: 
Before I left Beijing, I worked on this 100-page guide to censorship on Chinese social media. The early sections contain detailed explanations of the Chinese media landscape and censorship regulations. And there are lots of case studies:
Sigh... what I just texted a friend, so he can see how well I spent my time. So much for a pre-bedtime relaxation routine.
You can follow @joannachiu.
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