I am just having a lot of big feels about people not understanding Quarantine vs Isolation and why some processes are set up the way they are

Like no fault to folks it’s cause our country isn’t educating the citizens properly
I’ve just been FLOODED with calls and emails from people who are unhappy about why we are making the decisions we are and like it’s all driven by how this virus spreads
Like yes isolation is only 10 days while quarantine lasts for 14

It has to do with you possibly infecting other people and quarantine is meant to prevent the first 2 days of infection pre-symptoms
Then Quarantine monitors you over a 12 day incubation period which INCLUDES 10 days you would spend in isolation if you’re positive
*14 sorry i don’t have my glasses on
So in total for quarantine it’s 2- days per-symptoms, 1-day one of symptoms and then days 4-14 are isolation does for if you:

1. Are asymptotic and never develop symptoms but still positives

2. Develop symptoms and are positives

3. Remain negative

So no you cannot leave your space to do anything because you’re exposing others AND re-exposing yourself
AND AND AND your first day of symptoms is when you’re the MOST contagious to other people
Isolation is meant to monitor you when you’re infections and limit your interaction with anyone

As well as monitor your symptoms.

Isolation really just prevents the virus from spreading 🤷‍♂️
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