Capitalism rewards rare and valuable

(a short thread on this mental model)

🎉 It's also the first chapter from my new book
1/ You create value when you fulfill the unmet desires of people better than the alternatives they have (from competitors).
4/ A fatal but common mistake that entrepreneurs make is misjudging what makes something valuable.

Many entrepreneurs start companies around their own passions and desires, but not many share their passion.
5/ Entrepreneurs are an odd bunch, what excites them isn't representative of the wider public

If you don’t understand what's valuable to others, you'll end up building products and services that nobody needs

As @paulg says, build things that people want 
6/ However, even if you end up correctly identifying a broadly shared desire or frustration, another costly mistake is to ignore how such desires or frustrations are currently being serviced.

(Why would customers switch from the tried and tested options to you, the unknown one?)
7/ Hence, value creation requires identifying what specific desires of people others haven’t yet figured out.

Doing this difficult.

But can you identify what’s rare and valuable?
8/ Incidentally, this is why my blog is called 

That is, instead of being passionate about your own problems, start being passionate about other people's problems.
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