No no, it can fly *and* go underwater. I checked on this. Also it's the Internet. Literally the Internet. I'm not making this up.
I remember trying to chalkboard out just who Ocelot is working for like a mad conspiracy theorist. Swear to God, at one point he's a septuple-agent for the CIA, except he doesn't even know that because he's brainwashed HIMSELF into believing he's Liquid Snake. It's total madness.
In fact, Ocelot brainwashes himself TWICE. The first time he does it, he mindwipes his own brain to be fiercely loyal to... I can't even remember. But then he decides to brainwash himself into believing he *IS* Liquid Snake because he grafted Liquid's arm onto his stump oh god oh
Like, Liquid's essence is in the arm, and why he chooses Liquid's arm when everyone else can get a robot arm no problem even in the 70s, now he thinks he's Liquid EXCEPT-- and I am not making this up-- his inner Ocelot personality is MADLY gay for the Boss and also Solid Snake.
So, like, Ocelot and Old Snake are pounding each other like Frye/Takayama, and suddenly you can see Ocelot just kiss him on the cheek I MEAN WHO ARE YOU WHO AM I
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