I think I’m gonna start my spoiler heavy P5R thread now so fair warning to anyone who is interested in playing P5R/Is in the middle of playing and doesn’t want to be spoiled, just mute me for a while because I really want to talk about a lot of things.
So persona 5 is probably one of the most fun rpgs I’ve played. I def enjoyed it more than DQ11, but then again if it wasn’t royal I’d probably put it at the same level of enjoyment I had with DQ11. But the new content in royal is just so good.
Gameplay in palaces is some of the most entertaining shit in an RPG of all things. I don’t know how they gave the gave such a sense of fluidity to combat and exploration in palaces but they did, and the game greatly benefits from this
I love how joker moves, I love exploring palaces, and I love combat. The shit that’s in the combat is so good. All out attacks, Abusing type weaknesses and technicals with baton pass, gun being a thing that exists, it’s all so fun to play
So the party members are mostly pretty good. If I had to say who I liked the most it would be like Yusuke, Akechi, Haru, Ryuji, and also Morgana since I just grew to tolerate him as the story progressed. He’s also really helpful as a support too so.
Forgot to mention I enjoyed futaba. But I also didn’t mention a certain character either. Yoshizawa is the best. Fucking love Yoshizawa, even if her move set as a party member isn’t as fun to me as Yusuke or Haru’s.
I found Ann to be incredibly boring even if she’s apparently a really good party member and I also found makoto to be fun for a while until her usefulness died out as the one who knew nuclear attacks since me, Josona Jokerson, learned nuclear attacks.
Now let’s talk about story. I thought the base story is pretty average until near the end when all the pieces fall together at the end and shit starts to get crazy. I’m now gonna give my thoughts on every palace boss and their section of the game.
Kamoshida- he’s actually pretty good despite being basically the introductory tutorial boss, and his palace serving as a big mish mash of morgana telling you how certain mechanics work. They also build him as such an asshole really really well too, so his section is good.
Madarame- I really liked Madarame. His palace is one of my favorites because it introduces Yusuke, has a great background theme and looks fucking amazing, I love the classic Japanese vibe. He’s also a very hateable character, the shit that you learn makes you want to beat his ass
Kaneshiro- probably the most average palace of all of them. Doesn’t do anything really bad, doesn’t do anything that I like way more than the other palaces. His boss fight is really easy too. Also considering he’s yakuza, him being an asshole isn’t as good as the previous 2.
Futaba- GREAT PALACE! I love the storytelling here probably the most in regular P5. I enjoy the pyramid and Egyptian theme as well. Overall, tells the best story out of all the palaces up to that point. The boss fight is barely a boss though
Okumura - worst part of the fucking game. Morgana is really fucking annoying and they take away so much time from Haru, who is really really good and deserved more time in the spotlight. Hated exploring the palace, hated the boss, fuck this palace.
Sae- her palace is good. I enjoyed the casino theme, I enjoyed Akechi for the brief amount of time he’s with you for, I thought the boss fight was ok but I absolutely cheesed it with a reflect phys and gun persona. After her palace ends is where the good shit really happens tho
Shido- I really like this palace. It ties the game together in interesting ways, really having Shido as the guy behind everything. Shido himself is a great boss and is also Japanese Senator Armstrong so I liked it a lot. He is outshined by Akechi though, Akechi steals it here.
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