the metaphors/symbolisms shown in ex mv; a thread
starting off with the trains,
i feel like they're are kinda like a "train of thought"

there are many track pieces around felix but he didn't complete and put them together so the train fell off the tracks

the train of thought is interrupted because his mind keeps rethinking +
the regretful choice that he did, that is, i assume, cutting it off with a girl whilst in confusion for finding the meaning of what love truly is or what it's like to love someone
tw // ghosts

in this scene, there are pictures of places and a ghost

they say people have their own ghosts/spirit that could be your subconsciousness

i assume in this scene their mind is subconsciously replaying the old memories they had with this girl and what could've been
i also noticed how the pictures are of forests/rivers. i guess there's a double meaning

a forest could mean you're lost or have no sense of being able escaping; mysterious

whereas a river is said to represent the "irreversible passage of time" and also a "sense of loss"
tw // ghosts

in this scene, they just sit there, somewhat lifeless, as the screen just plays a video of a campfire

i feel like this is an example of how, where in your life, when you make a deep, grave mistake, it feels like it's the end of it all +
if the mistake you did was that deep

everything that was once fun, feels empty because of the void you created within your chest
for this scene, people say that when you're no having a good time, you should "treat yourself". i feel like that's what jeongin's trying to achieve here

he's trying to gather the little happiness he still has left in him to try and feel something
tw // ghosts

if it wasn't obvious, ghosts stand for reflection/reflecting on oneself

usually, ghosts are said to be "empty" creatures. maybe chan here, a now "empty" vessel, is trying to reflect on himself and find what little hope he has left in him
hydration is obviously really important for the human body and contains a bunch of health benefits

related to the mv, water helps with:
-removes toxins

you could even say he's trying to drown his thoughts by drinking a lot as well
i assume the water wasn't enough to get his mind off of things so instead so maybe this is him being selfless(?)

the things he does for himself isn't enough but he wants to help someone else (the girl maybe) so that things can "work out" like the way they did before
a bed is considered anyone's comfort place. it's comfy, warm, you lay down on a bed to sleep or relax

jisung here is trying to find some comfort in his life right now, but looking here he doesn't really look comfortable with the way things are
jisung also seems to have this attachment to the person's clothes

clothes are something people where everyday. people have different styles of clothing. you could recognize someone for their own style.

so having an attachment to their clothing is like having an attachment to +
the actual owner of the clothing

does that make sense?-
that makes sense to me but idk-
here, where hyunjin puts erasers together, i don't think this needs a long explanation

he's trying to put his life back together and build it up, but it keeps failing and it tumbles down
cw // food

if you also noticed, the stuff on the table is REALLY sweet. you could tell a bunch of sugar is added to all the foods on the table

now, you always hear rumors saying that "sugar helps the mood". in reality, it does NOT help with the mood
sugar, in actuality:
-increases risk of depression
-negatively impacts the mood
-your mind tells you to eat sugar when you're sad, because you seem to have an odd craving for things that make you feel bad when in that kind of mood
this case, jeongin's done/doing/did something that he didn't realize was bad for him but now there's no turning back now that he's "digested" the situation
here, we have jisung pretending to dance with somebody by using their clothes

i feel like he's trying to relive the days where he was happy with said person. he's going through the things he's done with this person but,
in the end, he's tired of pretending everything's alright. he realizes maybe he's not actually fine but he's pretending to be

"even if i act like everything is fine, i can’t lie about this longing making me regret it all". the english lyric fits with this scene tbh
we then see lino surrounding himself with flowers

flowers are seen as something pleasing or something nice to look at

lino tries to surround himself with things that are nice but he still looks sad because he can't help it, his mind wanders around the past
tbh this is my fave scene cuz of chan's acting but-

water. you use water to wash, drink, whatever purpose it is, there's always water

in this case, chan's trying to "wash"/rid his mind off of these feelings and thoughts that contain this person being sung about
he takes his frustration out by putting(?) himself underwater

the water is like his thoughts. without context, you could see it as him drowning in it

or, you could also say he's screaming in water because when you scream out loud, everyone will hear it. by screaming underwater,
that means he's keeping his feelings hidden, personal and close to himself because he doesn't want anyone to know what he's feeling or what he's been going through

when someone doesn't tell you their problems, it's either they don't trust you or because it's really deep
then we have changbin whose hands are now tainted in blue

blue means sadness, melancholiness and self-centeredness

the song's meaning: he was the cause of his own sadness. his own hurt. the reason why he can't move on is all because of himself and he blames himself for it
the reason why his hands are blue is because he HOLDS onto this sadness. even though he hurts, he still holds onto it tightly and dearly

the glass he's tainting with his hands are like his mind; he fills the empty spaces of his mind with nothing but what he's done
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