korean song recommendations: a thread
didn’t wanna label this thread a “kpop” song recs bc i want to include some khip hop and some bands that wouldn’t rly be considered kpop! this is mostly just for fun for me but hope someone enjoys this haha
nae tat - bloo, nafla

my fav boy bloo never disappoints
feel good - fromis_9

waited a year for this song and i am obsessed
basquait - pentagon

i’ve listened to this song a ridiculous amount of times and pentagon deserves more stans
the purge - jay park, ph1, big naughty, woodie gochild, haon, trade l, sikk

this whole album is *chefs kiss* but this is my current fav. h1gher music rly is killing it
boy - treasure

waited 2+ years for these boys to debut and i listen to this song multiple times a day. pls give my babies love
mayday - victon

my underrated kings!! they are incapable of releasing a bad song
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