I can’t even believe I need to say this but please don’t get naughty propaganda tattoos
OK I cannot believe I am about to say this. Here’s hoping, that Congress doesn’t resolve anything. until after, the election. the government, shut down for months. I legitimately don’t know how you’re supposed to get a supreme court pick through with budget negotiations
Going, on in an election, year when the country. is about to be shut down again. I’m actually wondering, if any of these people think this will actually get to that point before Congress goes on recess or the government shut down happens once again for the millionth time.
For context, there’s about 10 days for Congress. to agree on a budge or, the government, will be shut down again. I think also throwing, in the supreme court pick. in that amount of time with a threat of a government, shut down is a little bit ridiculous and unrealistic.
So I’m hoping my theory here is correct. I’m hoping, all of these Republican senators. that are losing traction, badly. in the polls, are saying this to keep their seats. not because they actually want to put anyone in yet.
After the actual, election win or lose they will flip. Once again, this is only a theory but it makes sense. Simply speaking there’s not enough time between now and the election and the first of the year to actually swearing a new judge.
I don’t think Congress, would actually technically even vote. on this until after they resolve, the budget negotiations I’m not an expert though I don’t know for sure.
Additionally if @JoeBiden fingers crossed knock on wood. wins with a landslide. He can relatively, easily stack the bench. this would be better for us in the long run, even if we gain one conservative justice we might gain 10 non-conservative or bipartisan justices.
So my theory, states that these people. are saying this to hold,onto their seats. after the election they will either swing, or somebody else will technically have a vote in a couple months.
I believe the government, will be shut down, again because. Nancy Pelosi will not let this happen I believe she will forcibly shut the government down to avoid a pic for A justice.
But we shall see I don’t know any of this for sure I’m just guessing #Vote #TeamPete #TeamJoe #teampeteforjoe
Also I don’t know how my tweet from yesterday got connected to this thread but somehow it works
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