For 3 months I have been screaming and begging for people to understand. The Dems dont care about the Vote. They have all the Ballots filled out and ready to Mail. Mail-In Voter Reg. w/ Fake ID makes Sig. Match and can not be proven. Mail-In Ballots means Trump Defeat 100%
Feds found 20k Fake ID's from China, but how many get through. 30% of Americans Names have never Voted and are easily available to make fake Id and Mail in a Signed registration and then Sign a ballot. The swing states all have mail in Ballots Ready to Mail. Can not be detected
The only way to stop the Dems from taking this country forever is to have POTUS issue an Executive Order for Voter ID at the Polls. It is a matter of National Security.
Then all of the fake ballots are worthless.
Please God Help me get this message out.
Literally 30 Democrat criminals can make 1 mill fake un detectable ballots in a matter of months. It is that easy to take over this country with Mail In Ballots. Trumps investigators are not looking at the Registration w/ fake ID as their plan. We are running out of time.
After the Election the GOP lawyers will see all the first time Voters that made the difference but then what? You cant throw them out with out proof. You can contact them by law. Cant disqualify them. Cant prove anything because Signature match the Registration. Dems win
On Election night Biden will have won in a landslide Victory. We will all be screaming foul and the GOP Lawyers will start a fight for investigation that will be met with huge opposition. All the Evil Dems will be inciting Riots the like this country has never seen.
They have been prepping this for months with all their seemingly odd claims that Trump wont leave. The riots will be so extreme with so many Deaths that the Senate will turn on Trump. They will be no time for an investigation that would not be able to prove anything anyway.
Do not think these Evil Dems wont do this. They have to Win because a Trump second term will take so many of them down. They have left themselves exposed in so many ways and been lucky to slow Trumps efforts this long. So many Global elites are either dirty or in it for greed.
China has to have Biden Win. Trump will destroy their world domination and expose the truth about the Virus. Of course they will help make Fake ID's using the Census records and the 30% of Americans that never voted. It's that easy to take this country over.
Twitter has me very shadow band and I can not reach many followers. Plz help get this message out.
All he has to do is issue an Executive Order for Voter ID at the Polls. National Security is his first duty and the courts can not stop him. Please Scream from the roof tops
Mail - In Ballots will 100% guarantee a Trump Defeat

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