I read an article summarizing what happened to Brian Sinclair and then went down the rabbit hole of reading all of the available material about his life and tragic/horrific death, and it keeps crawling back to the forefront of my brain whenever I have any stillness.
Fair warning: it'll probably leave you feeling absolutely abysmal, but the gross neglect of a disabled indigenous man based on racial and ableist prejudice should absolutely be a mandatory teaching case study in every field, but especially in medicine. http://ignoredtodeathmanitoba.ca/index.php/2017/09/15/event-sept-18-2018-winnipeg-mb-systemic-racism-brian-sinclairs-story/
I just feel so compelled to keep repeating this story now to everyone like an albatross hanging on my neck. It's the scariest and most gut-wrenching thing that should never have happened. Tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of his death, and I just really don't want it to be in vain
I know that #SettlerSaturday has come and gone this weekend, but any indigenous folks who need help with their medical bills, pls feel free to post in this thread. I'm gonna try and boost some crowdraisers/mutual aid I can find. I'll start w/ this person: https://twitter.com/BurningOmmm/status/1307330095510466560?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
You can follow @ughlycoyote.
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