I'm learning that I have a severe aversion to some of the systems we have in place & accept as norms.

Let's use writing as an example, mainly bc it's most recent.

Emailing back/forth w/a friend & I mention focusing on writing, but now w/the goal of it being part of career.
She responded back with so much encouragement.

For extra sweetness, she linked a few sites that pay for content & a course on writing for income.

And there is where our example begins.

When I tell yall that is SO not my style...whooo, I mean it.

Let me break that down.
Back in the early 2000's I started my online admin biz. Had 2 main focuses; executive admin assistance & content writing/editing.

Didn't have much published work yet, so I ended up with more editing jobs than writing.

Guess how many "earn income with your blog" posts I edited?
That is only matched by the amount of "get paid by freelance writing" posts I was assigned.

No matter what/who, you're going to end up with pretty much the same advice.

"Blog. SEO. Affiliates. Guest blog. Pitch to XYZ bc they pay for articles. Create a course"

Rinse & repeat
I've encountered it SO much that my brain basically shuts off when I run into it now.

And it's honestly one of the reasons my admin biz went from being my main focus to a side biz.

It's all a market. It's all about selling.

And if you want $, I get it.

I just want to live.
That "system" is why I went from wanting to be a full time freelance writer from 18-25 to other shit.

I just don't fit into those systems.

It's really defeating to be told you'll basically fail unless you follow that system.

I'm not a salesperson. I'm a person w/shit to say.
I don't like the concept of reeling people in w/buzz words...so they sign up for my newsletter...to read more articles packed with repeat terms for SEO algorithms....to convince them to pay for my course...that tells them to do the same thing I am.

It's a writing pyramid scheme.
Nor do I like the idea of writing content for income for someone else that follows that exact same model.

Is it a system that works? I'm sure it does for some.

Does it feel authentic to me, or like a fucking hustle?

I think the tone of this thread tells you enough.
I want to write content that provides value to it's readers. Content focused on spiritual balance. You know, actually help people?

I want an authentic audience.

I want my income to be bc they appreciate that value, not clicks & selling repackaged shit.

I am not a "brand".
And this thread could apply to a number of fields now.

I don't have an aversion to working. I have an aversion to those systems. And those systems perpetuate others which hold a lot of us back.

A bitch wants to be free of that shit. I have to believe it's possible.
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