Fall Budget Monitoring Process (BMP) is coming up! During the Fall BMP, City Council will review the current FY 2020-21 budget and potentially make adjustments. The Portland Police Bureau Budget is part of this review. Here’s what to expect!
There will be two listening sessions for the public to comment on the process. The first one is September 22 from 6-8pm. The second session is October 6th from 6-8pm. Sign up by the Monday before you want to testify. You can sign up to comment here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/cbo/article/622229
Need a refresher on what went down during June’s budget adoption process? City Council defunded School Resource Officers (SROs), transit police, and the Gun Violence Reduction Team (GVRT).
Meanwhile, transit police are still funded via Trimet and the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO). SROs still patrol schools in the Portland Metro Area, including through some funding from MCSO.
The current PPB budget is $229 million, only an approximate $9 million decrease from the prior year’s adopted budget which was $238 million: https://public.tableau.com/profile/portland.city.budget.office#!/vizhome/FY2020-21AdoptedBudgetDashboard/AdoptedDashboard

So you may be wondering why the media and city officials keep saying it was a $15 million decrease?
The $15 million is a reduction from the Mayor’s proposed budget, which proposed a $6 million increase to the PPB budget. You may also hear of a $26 million decrease. That was the total decrease from the original proposed PPB budget as visualized here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/cbo/article/763271
As @alex_zee pointed out, the City Attorney's Office is also requesting additional funds to help with lawsuits against PPB.

This funding would not increase the police budget. It is alarming, however. It's an example of how PPB can benefit from resources outside of their budget. https://twitter.com/alex_zee/status/1306747584669609984
We will be monitoring the Fall BMP process closely and continue to stay in solidarity with various community efforts. We will be back with updates in the near future!
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