I've come to both She-Ra and the Magnus Archives recently, and they are HILARIOUSLY dissimilar - except that they both reflect an important facet of my own reality: everybody is queer.
Okay, not EVERYBODY, probably. But neither one works with an assumed heterosexual default, a presumed ideal that everyone must either align themselves with or actively apologize for rejecting.
In doing so, both universes sort of ... destroy the concept of heterosexuality itself? Not the idea of straightness, but its normative function. If anyone could want to (not) kiss anyone else at any moment, then there is no default.
I mean, I know straight people. I like many! I work with some. I'm related to several. But if you exclude my obligations to both of those spheres, my primary interactions are with other queer and genderqueer people. And it's rare to see that reflected in non-queer-targeted media.
In conclusion, it's hilarious that the day-glo girl-power children's animation and the existential dread simulator horror podcast both make me throw my hands up in delight and shout EVERYONE IS GAY! a lot. Because everyone is. Gay, that is. Everyone.

✨𝚎 𝚟 𝚎 𝚛 𝚢 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 👁️
Oh! Also destruction of the discrete categories of "friend" and "(potential) romantic interest"! The queerest thing!
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