I finished writing a thing, sent it, & then my husband told me that @SchittsCreek (which I'm now binging for the 2nd time in as many months) cleaned at the #Emmys !! I'm ridiculously happy about this, like it was my friends who won. LET ME TELL YOU WHY I LOVE #SCHITTSCREEK PLS
So of course, OBVS, there's the big queer love story in a world in which anti-LGBTQ bigotry just: Does. Not. Exist. Which wow, what a glorious thing of beauty!

But do you know WHAT ELSE #SchittsCreek does? It only turns nearly ever sitcom trope inside out or on its head, is all!
We get a man & a woman who have been in love & true to each other for 40 years. Period. That's their story. They unreservedly love each other.

AND the wife isn't Basically A Mom to a husband who is Basically A 10 Yr Old! They're both quirky! They're both steady! They're in ❤️!
We get a vapid girl/woman - who's actually traveled the world & gotten into & out of ENDLESS exciting scrapes that required intelligence & wit AND she gets to find true love AND find new depths AND ALSO find she values her own, private future. Imagine! A woman being many things!
We get a young woman who finds herself & doesn't need to abandon herself to do it & gets a father-figure she FOR REAL didn't know she wanted & gets to be sexual & gothy & butch but occasionally not & even the sexual-hijinx-comedy-of-errors moments are human & non-shame-y. WHAT.
And I've said this before but I'll say it again: Usually as seasons progress, sitcom characters get bigger & less human as they lean into their original quirkiness; in #SchittsCreek, they get smaller & also more fully themselves. They came to the motel to be born into themselves.
AND IT'S ALL SO FUCKING FUNNY. OH MY GOD. The absolute best thing about #SchittsCreek is that it does all that lovely stuff with unbelievable writing & other-worldly comedic acting & direction. OH MY GOD IT'S SO FUNNY.

In short I ❤️you @SchittsCreek! Congratulations!! #Emmys
oops, at the top there I mean "cleaned up" and I also meant to include a gif in each tweet in the thread but I WAS VERY EXCITED, IN MY FASHION, so here, have a spare gif to make up for it yay #SchittsCreekSweep!
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