If you comment that a company is "giving into wokeism" every time you see a plus sized or non white model in an Ad (one with zero political caption attached) -- You are not "fighting PC culture gone mad". You're just a jerk. And the left didn't make you that way, that's on you.
There are too many people who claim to be better than the left's "intolerance and incivility", who simultaneously have managed to convince themselves "it doesn't count" when they act the same way towards anyone with untraditional hair/weight/appearance.
You dont get a license to mock anyone overweight with short hair,just because "they look feminist!" as if its some get out of jail free card. How is that better than blanket judging anyone in a MAGA hat? You discarded individualism as much as those who you claim to be better than
You have no idea if that teen girl was in a religiously conservative household, conservative =/= Trump. I have friends who cut their hair after escaping FLDS & apostolic protestant childhoods. It isn't more acceptable because "you dont know", it's unacceptable you did it anyways.
There is a reason I do not ever go to conservative events/protests without my wig on. I am bald from alopecia, but I am actutely aware of how many strangers would automatically assume my bald = I'm Antifa/a lefty feminist & make fun of me. That's not the left's fault, its theirs.
If your version of being a conservative is "its okay to make fun of people's physical appearance when they vote differently", I want no part of it. If that makes me a lefty, so be it. But know this: if that's what makes someone a conservative, you just proved SJWs right about you
If one assumes every black person cast in a movie (notbabout slavery) was cast because affirmative action -- I submit that person was always going to be bigoted, only now feels they have an excuse to justify it. Adopting identity politics because they did..congrats, you're "them"
It is also bigoted to black, visibly LGBT & female conservatives. Dont tell me you "don't care what people look like, only merit", if you make anyone who looks like a minority prove to you they aren't a leftist/AA hire. The left didn't make you throw the baby with the bathwater.
At what point do you look in the mirror and ask yourself what principles you even stand for? Basing your entire ideology around 'owning the libs' leaves nothing but hypocrisy & a horseshoe theory proven true. Some of you became bullies, & made conservatism exactly what SJWs claim
You say I'm a lefty, I say I'm the one defending conservatism. My conservatism (& commitment to Christ) is about personal responsibility, supporting the family, conducting oneself with voluntary compassion & charity, & nurturing market driven success for all. Why isn't yours?
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