If they poured half the energy they have for owning Black children through adoption.... & instead put it into supporting vulnerable families; as well as implementing foster care & domestic adoption programs...entire communities would improve & far more children would THRIVE.
Transracial, for-profit adoption, at its core is rooted in racism & white supremacy. Ignoring the STRUCTURAL poverty & social issues BIPOC families disproportionately face due to systemic oppression. Rather than coming alongside of families, they offer to break them apart.
When you have (mostly white) folks w/ resources approaching extremely poor and vulnerable mothers, for example, offering adoption on a silver platter w/o any real alternative that would promise their child’s needs are met.... YOU. ARE. NOT. PROVIDING. THAT. MOTHER. OPTIONS.
You are wielding your privilege & performing high key white saviorism. With irreversible consequences. Then again, that is the entire premise of the white savior complex, isn’t it? YOU help on your terms & don’t actually care about the impact so long as you feel good about it.
You can follow @nowhitesaviors.
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