Climate Change became a public issue in 1988, when NASA scientist James Hansen told Congress that the earth was warming through the usage of fossil fuels. CO2 and Greenhouse effect was slowly warming the earth. However, 11 years prior, Exxon discovered the same thing (thread/1)
Starting in 1977, Exxon spent millions of dollars conducting research and experiments to determine why the earth was heating and what was the cause. A senior scientist named James Black delivered a report to the management team identifying human action as the primary reason (2)
He said "there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels". However, Exxon knew that acknowledging their actions would hurt the bottom line (3)
In 1989 Exxon helped create a thinktank named the Global Climate Coalition which spread disinformation questioning human impact on climate change. fortunately, the thinktank went under in 2002. Still, Exxon has spent tens of millions spreading lies about climate change (4)
Exxon lobbyists helped kill US involvement and the signing of the 1998 Kyoto protocol, an international agreement to limit CO2 emissions. the USA is the ONLY major country to not ratify it. Their lobbyists are still in action today (5)
In short, Exxon, and the fossil fuel industry at large, has known about climate change since the 70s, and they've known exactly how much damage they've done to the earth. they're still lying about it. they dont care. they dont care that we're dying. They need to be stopped. (6)
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