Here’s the thing, I fully support people living out their faith. However, that doesn’t mean we get to push our faith onto others, or expect other ppl to adhere to our spiritual interpretations. Spiritually is deeply personal. 1/
So when ppl see government positions as a way to “build the kingdom of God”, I’m a HARD NO. Who’s God? Which religion? We need to say no to these ppl trying to evangelize and dominate. The classroom, the courtroom, the Senate Chamber, the Oval Office-none of them are churches. 2/
I don’t want ppl pushing their spiritual practice on me (unless I ask). I won’t push mine on them (unless they ask). That’s certainly not the role of govt. We ALL share and are impacted by govt-all religions + nones. Our govt belongs to all of us, no matter our beliefs. 3/
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