I'm gonna be real for a bit, but it's stuff I feel like I wanna just get off my chest really.

After looking around the site I noticed someone who I thought, legit right up until 5 minutes ago, ignored every bit of criticism I said about them on my old account.
In reality though, the stuff that I did actually gave them a lot of food for thought and it seems they're slowly acting upon it. I personally still hold my reservations though, only because it's still somewhat fresh, and also given the age of this person too and how they acted.
But it is interesting to see that I actually held some influence, maybe if I didn't deactivate I could've used that influence for some kind of good within this hell community, but I guess me deactivating gave a chance to wipe the slate clean somewhat.
Like I'm so glad I only held influence for a short period of time, I can't imagine how much damage I would've done not even 1 1/2 years ago when I was still being cool with really nasty and vindictive people.
In terms of reflecting on this though, it has bummed me a little, being someone so small in the grand scheme of things but also being pretty controvercial, I have no idea what to make of this.

tl;dr this thread is a mess idk
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