Five years ago last week I was at the hospital for the birth of a baby to a member of my church. The doctors predicted she’d live an hour. She had 3 heart defects, only 1 lung, severe hydrocephalus, and a slew of other problems. She was born not breathing for several minutes.
My friend held her baby, sand it is well with my soul, and prayed to thank God. Then she squeaked. Doctor said it was normal. Then she squealed again. Still normal. Then she grabbed her dad’s finger and started crying. Then an hour went by. Then a day.
The doctors sent her home to pass away in the days that followed. That baby kept living. She had her first surgery at three days old. Later a doctor told my friend that her baby wouldn’t see, hear, talk, or think. She’d be a vegetable. My friend replied:
“I respect your medical knowledge, but I serve a big God and he’s got bigger plans for my girl.” Three years later she introduced that doctor to her daughter... who walks, talks, hears, and has a ton of sass to her. The doctor wept. Five years later and God is still in control.
I’ve posted about this before. I just wrote an article for the local paper about the little miracle who goes to my church. I’m blessed to have been able to witness that day in the hospital. My God is amazing.
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