As men, we achieve by not giving importance to our emotions, fears, insecurities. But heartbreak is almost like food poisoning. We need to expel, not repress, these emotions

Four ways I expel my emotions




4-audios notes
1-JOURNALING is really powerful. It's the best way I've found to "expel" my negative emotions, to get them out of my system. Journaling not only helps expel my emotions, it also helps me *understand* my emotions. I usually end up feeling better about my situation after journaling
2-EXERCISE of course, is amazing. Every since my breakup with Baby E, I've started swimming 2x or 3x a week, instead of just one. After swimming, I feel stronger, more focused, and more excited about my life. I go swimming for the emotional optimism and mental clarity.
3-MUSIC is the sound of emotions, I think is the saying. For me, the key is to constantly look for new songs via Spotify's Discover Weekly. New music, new memories. And songs - old or new - help me process and feel my emotions. If I need to feel sad or cry, that's okay. I'm human
4-AUDIO NOTES really work for me. If I'm thinking a lot about Baby E, and wish I could talk to her and tell her I miss her, or tell her how much I hate her, I do just that. I talk out loud into my iPhone voice recorder, spill my guts, and then I feel better. I just don't send it
For many years, I was ashamed of how a girl could make me feel so "weak." I was ashamed of my feelings of sadness, heartbreak, loneliness, regret, and I would beat myself up for being so sensitive. Feeling weak, feeling heartbreak made me feel like a loser
Slowly, I've started to accept myself, my sensitivity, my feelings, and my romantic dreams and illusions. It's healthy and normal to want to find love, and it's healthy and normal to suffer heartbreak. My feelings are a part of me, and it's okay for me to feel sad, angry, lonely
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