Absolutely sick and tired about people using the whole 'yeah, but look at the death rate' thing as an excuse for not wanting to wear a mask or meet who they want when they want. Covid can fuck you up without killing you. It can ruin your life without taking it. 1/.
Just because you don't become a statistic doesn't mean you're not left gasping for air because you've had to walk up the stairs. It doesn't stop you thinking 'Is this it?' for 4th time today because your heartbeat now has a mind of its own. It doesn't stop you having to say 2/.
...to your kids that they have to leave mummy alone all day again because she's still not well, even though it's nearly six months since you all had to drive her to the hospital as there were no ambulances available.

"Yeah, but the stats say..."

Well... 3/.
... Here's the thing about stats...

They're very good at describing the general population, but when it comes to individual predictions, they may as well be lottery numbers. When it comes down to whether you will get it or not (and I don't mean your *chances* of getting it) 4/.
or whether you'll be asymptomatic, die, be back on your feet in two weeks, or have your life changed permanently due to irreparable tissue damage - simply put - YOU DO NOT KNOW. What we do know, however, is that with more of it about, everyone's risk is increased. 5/.
So yeah, the death stats.

But ask yourself, do I want to be able to go for a jog in six months time? Do I want to be able to play with my kids every day? Do I want to be able to go to work, contribute, and provide for my family?

Yes? Absolutely. So give yourself the best 6/.
possible chance. Do what you can. Wear a mask. Stay in. Don't mix. Limit your face to face contact. Stay distanced. Live life on Zoom for just that little bit longer. Keep washing your hands and using the gel. But please, PLEASE don't think you'll be fine, or that the rules 7/.
don't apply to you in this case; they apply to us all, and we each have a responsibility to ourselves, our families and each other to stick to them.

Please don't be a dick.

Covid can fuck you up without killing you.


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