locals need to learn a thing or two about respecting peoples differences. i’m SO sick and tired of having to be scared of being judged by someone because of my god damn taste in music. literally, get over yourself
a rant thread
tw // suicide

if it wasn't for these people, i'd still be sad and down in the dumps all the time, or not even be here
if you dare say any shit to my face about my idols, you lose a bit of respect from me. each, and every time you do it. these people and their music has helped me and countless others to keep going and to be strong no matter what
you dare call my idols, aliens, nothing special or anything alike to my face,,, you don't have the slightest idea of how much that hurts cause you can't put yourself in our place cause you don't understand our pain!
these people are the people we go to for comfort when no one else gets us. these are the people that keeps us going. these are the people that keeps us all alive. helps us escape that nasty world we live in
Have some respect, please! all we're asking is for you not to call someone shitty things. if you don't usually do that it shouldn't be that hard
if i were to talk shit about a friend of yours who may have helped you with your past problems, you certainly wouldn't be fond of me
it's just the fact that "we don't know them personally, how can they even help you with anything". if we then try to answer, for the love of god, try to understand where we're coming from
but even so, you feel the need to comment on the people that has helped us through hard times??????? how does that make sense????????
their music makes me feel like a bad bitch, it makes me feel whole, the idols makes me feel whole. they let me be who i want to be. i can be gay, trans, black, white, whatever the fuck, and they don't have a care in the world
you'll NEVER understand the connection kpop fans has with their idols if you aren't one yourself
they all love their fans so damn much, and that's why it's so appealing to many people. we have ways to connect with the people we look up to, rather than american pop fans who has an interview and a concert here and there and that's it
this scenario hasn't particularly happened to me but i know people who this has happened to:
tw // suicide

being told to kys and telling them that their idols should kts is literally sinking down to the lowest level there is
we have to walk everyday, in fear of being judged for listening to music that is empowering, for listening to people that gives us strength
as i've said a million times throughout this thread already, their music is fucking empowering, the idols fight for whatever the fuck they want no matter the norms in south korea
WHY can you not just be a decent human being, and just say "hmm well, i respect your taste in music, and i respect that you like them, i just don't vibe with the music, and i don't really get WHY you like them so much. can you please try and explain"
read that out loud. was that hard to say? no? ok, then try that next time you come by a kpop fan, instead of saying their idols looks like fucking aliens.

thank you for coming to my ted talk
i wish i could say all this shit to my irl's, but the looks i would get, of not understanding, and judging, and not any fucks given would be countless. i just keep my mouth shut and rant on twt instead ://
this thread is all over the place, but i just had to get this off my chest before going to bed....
i'm going to bed now. hope you enjoyed my late night rant
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