One thing I’ll say is that I get why some leftists go all “fuck your feelings” about liberal hagiography of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but if you don’t get the emotive/sentimental/aesthetic bullshit that drives people’s political choices, you’re pretty doomed as a movement
I don’t like that people vote for the person they want to have a beer with, but I don’t go around whining about how everyone who feels that way is an incorrigible moron who doesn’t deserve my allyship
If your vision of a leftist future precludes simple empathy for my most basic liberal relatives, you don’t have the answers and are going to lose
The only bothsidesism I engage in is arguing that “facts don’t care about your feelings” is a sociopathic and fundamentally incorrect approach to politics on both the right and the left
The rise of Qanon should demonstrate that facts actually care a great deal about your feelings, as it turns out
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