My favorite thing about procedural tv is that it forces people to have insight and gain perspective on characters of all varieties. Villains, criminals, murderers, LGBTQNB+ , nazis, doctors, psychopaths, heros, victims, the oppressed, etc. I love how you can watch this vile, un-
Likeable, character’s life unravel before your eyes and suddenly you feel a deep empathy for them and all they’ve endured. I love that they show you everyone’s individual story and the events that brought them to where they are now and why they are what they are. Imagine if
People approached the real world in the way an audience member digests a procedural. Imagine if people were more analytical and critical thinking rather than so adept at leading their thoughts with emotion. Imagine if people carried perspective with them every where they went...
Just imagine how much better we all would be to each other.

Human connection is truly all we have and even though we are consistently given the tools to connect we are most disconnected as ever. Just offer and receive perspective and we are as human as we can really be.
Came back to add to my own ramblings that this thread was inspired by #Ratched on @netflix. I’m obsessed with this show y’all. I straight up keep screaming out of excitement at my television.
You can follow @broodynotdeep.
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