A lot of non-black ODR want to be seen as black because they hold the equivalent of white privilege in the bc. Removing them from the bc would grant them no special privileges in other communities which is why they fight with blk ppl to be seen as black even though they’re not.
Then, interestingly, they use racist and misogynoiristic language to get black ppl, particularly black women, back into submission: ‘bitter’, ‘who hurt you’, ‘bullies’, ‘jealous’ and other gaslighting language to silence the genuine concern over mixed ppl taking up black spaces.
They also turn on the “we’re not accepted anywhere” water works 😭 which is another gaslighting ploy to make blk ppl feel as though we’re responsible for their plight. They never place this burden on the other races they’re mixed with though...
All the smoke is reserved for the bc only for them to prance around as if they’re superior to us, especially dsbw. They behave like bm in the sense that if we divest from them, they too will have no one to psychologically abuse. The bc doesn’t want this structure to change
Which is why (fully) bw must divest from bm and bm minded biracials who only want bw around to mooch off of and feel superior against.
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