A year ago today I opened my first exhibition, @FlashWallop at @HOME_mcr. It featured portraits of drummers and percussionists based on interviews about their early memories of drumming. Twenty four drummers were featured and I'm going to post a few images now okay...
...as well as some links - first is to the @FlashWallop podcast featuring some of the interviews from the project. Three episodes are up already (Clem Cattini, Andy Paresi and @mikejoycedrums) with many more to come. Please subscribe here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/flash-bang-wallop-the-interviews/id1523346808
Thanks to all the amazing drummers who gave up their time to be part of the first stage of the project. The second stage is in progress at the moment - interviews have been either done or arranged, new portraits planned and future partnerships agreed. Stay tuned! @FlashWallop
You can follow @xtofallabout.
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