I recently stumbled onto an amazing Reddit thread titled "What’s an industry secret in the field you work in?" Here are my favorite entries

/1 "I design slot machines for casinos... don’t play slots."
/2 "I used to screen resumes for small companies. Job "requirements" are more of a wish-list situation. Never let some unchecked boxes deter you from applying - you have no idea what the applicant pool is like."
3/ "Former bath and body works associate here. The scents they “discontinue” will come back with a different name and new marketing. They’re just recycling the scents."
4/ "Vodka is really, really, really cheap to make: the glass bottle costs more than the juice."
5/ "If you're someone who purchases bulk nuts, grains, etc. Just know that those bins are probably rarely cleaned, and even when they are "cleaned", odds are they were just rinsed out/wiped down to look clean."
6/ "It costs about $200,000 to put your own book on the top of the New York Times bestseller list. All you have to do is buy a lot of copies yourself."
7/ "Everything at the Container Store exists and is cheaper at Lowe’s."
8/ "At Goodwill, we don't clean anything that we sell, and we get some really gross stuff that touches everything else so next time you buy something from Goodwill, wash it well"
9/ "A lot of successful artists at a certain level of success do nothing more than create a concept and employ several assistants, who are either current or graduating art students, who actually make the art itself, its reproductions or both."
10/ "I’m a teacher. If you as a parent will read with your child often and early, your child will thrive in school. I’m talking daily books read together from newborn to about third grade. Every single day. No teacher can replace that."
11/ "RV technician here. Shit is designed to start breaking after around 44 uses. Most RV owners use their trailers on weekends. But not every weekend. So that 44 uses on average stretches between two and three years."
12/ "I’m a musician. It’s not really a secret but 90% of of our revenue is from merch. In fact, a big reason bands tour as often as possible is because we can sell more shirts when we’re in front of people."
13/ "A huge portion of online reviews, ratings, social media presence, etc that you see for any given company are fake, paid for, or done by multiple accounts controlled by us. This includes a company’s Glassdoor page."
14/ "I’m a dentist. Here’s the lowdown on toothpaste.
As long as it has fluoride they are all basically the same."
Ok, this is blowing up...def follow me as I'll be posting more content like this 🔥
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