I wish people with more knowledge on certain topics wouldn't shit on people who are learning about things for the first time lol.

and that people would stop downplaying the impact of more digestible ways of presenting information than big books or heavy podcasts or whatever. https://twitter.com/shilparathnam/status/1307532569571983364
like yeah, a lot of the info in the social dilemma is not 'new'. but sometimes, putting the pieces together on a popular platform like netflix is more compelling in changing people's behaviour than just having the pieces scattered around in isolation.
I have my own gripes with the doc. it was a bunch of youngish yt ex-techbros saying things like "a problem has been created" instead of "we have created a problem". its call to action was individual responsibility instead of systemic change. it evaded neolib capitalist critiques.
but already, I see the little-by-little changes. I'm more careful about going down a youtube rabbithole. dad is factchecking whatsapp forwards. friend deleted her instagram. another friend finally looked at his tiktok settings.
I'm not about to wag my finger at them and say "you should've been reading more".

now, it's just easier for us to talk about things like using the trackmenot extension or avoiding amazon purchases or caring about digital privacy at all without sounding like tinfoil hat nuts.
it's not a damn revolution (💔), but good GOD do I prefer the little changes instead of being stuck in an endless loop of hearing people say "yeah well social media is part of life, there's nothing we can do đŸ€·" or worse, "how can you make an fb post criticizing fb? checkmate 😎"
(I also wish people who read a lot would stop shitting on other people who learn better through watching/listening to things, but that's a whole different tedtalk)
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