Handmaid's Tale is becoming real. Trump's Aunt Lydia Scotus pick will help destroy Women's Rights, including bodily autonomy, for all . And forget racial and LBGTQ rights. They'll be gone too. Christian Sharia Law will replace the USA Constitution, if the GOP gets their way. https://twitter.com/RonCharles/status/1307737438006243330
I personally would be burned at the stake if such a "woman" was made Scotus. Goodbye First Amendment. Religious freedom would be a thing of the past. Religious discrimination would now be legalized. If you're not a "good Christian" who's also a Trump Patriot, you'll be arrested.
And forget about healthcare, social security, Medicaid, or Medicare 4 Anyone. All of that would be deemed unconstitutional by this Republican Supreme Court.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps," will be the new law of the land.

Too bad there won't be any minimum wage.
And forget about the EPA or OSHA. Along with no wages, jobs are about to get dangerous, like before worker's protections. But you'll do it because that dollar a day might just feed your family that day.

I'm not saying this to scare all of you but to wake you all the fuck up.
If Trump & McConnell get their way and they cheat themselves into another Trump "win," then say goodbye forever to America.

Trump will even likely tear down the Statue of Liberty because it's sending the wrong message to the rest of the world.
Republicans of Gilead fits in the new Republic of Gilead that they are trying to create. They don't even have to change their name.

They will of course outlaw all other political parties. And unions will be a thing of the past. Forget about lawsuits, only for wealthy elite now.
If people don't like the picture I'm painting of the future of America under 4 more years (and beyond) of Trump, then get out there, register to vote & vote for Biden, Harris & Democrat all the way down to dog catcher.

If you don't, you may never get to vote ever again.
This thread is VERY RELEVANT today: https://twitter.com/NoSacredCow60/status/1129445078165086210
If Biden wins, I think Democrats should put forward such a bill in the House or Senate. Men only need testicales to procreate anyway & that can be done easily enough with artificial insemination anyway, when he finds a woman who wants to have his kids. https://twitter.com/EricG1247/status/1307549955599470592
Holy Fuck, Batman. People of Praise really fucking is the Republic of Gilead! They have loyalty oaths to other individuals of the group & advisors called the "head" for men & the "handmaid" for women. Fucking Hell No! By the power of Mephistopheles, send them all to Hell! Goddamn
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