Understanding Risk:
It's natural to take risks, its an inheritance from nature itself. The problem is that risk isn't categorized appropriately. There is an honorable form of risk, SITG. You start a company at your own cost, should you fail, you eat it.
Should you succeed, your customers, your employees, your family, your friends, your community all benefit. This form of risk taking can be traced back to our ancestors who left the caves. Our current society downplays this form of risk taking.
What's the other kind? That's the destructive form of risk. It's a form of rent seeking. You process foods heavily at low cost and shit margins and pass them off to people who eat it and get sick. You get wealthy yes, but everyone else suffers.
Or you make up reasons to give people new dependencies such as pain killers, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana which again creates harm overall. People are encouraged to suppress collective benefit taking risks (starting a business) and thus respond by turning that inwards.
They start to take other risks. The kind where the cost is death (high speed motorcycles, hanging off a cliff for an Instagram picture) or medicating themselves through food. We can't be shocked to see so many young and misguided people taking any external reasons to venture out.
Hence why all the protestors for almost any cause (stupid or not) are young miserable people trying to find release valves for something they don't understand in themselves. We need to focus on encouraging collective benefit risk-taking and start to reject the second kind.
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