Thanks to a lot of people from the people from @OutOfContextEv's side (major credits goes to @papperboy3498, @TGAwesomeYT and others that won't be mentioned for privacy reasons), we have uncovered the "girl" Milly and have researched everything from our own findings.
First goes my research:

I've researched that "Milly" is a catfish who has posted countless messages to a user called Geri1940 (a victim) of relationships and such. Everyone happened to trace down what they could, and I did my own part. I found out that "Milly" is a catfish.
The account was run by a user called Diogo, who is a Portuguese person (judging by the emails everyone involved looked), we assume he's 12, some say he's 19 which makes him a MAP. But however, we aren't exactly sure of what is going on. But this image shows that Diogo's a catfish
Diogo has stolen a bunch of OCs from user TheNexus, who is an artist if I am not mistaken. Using the "Milly" for fetishes (no kink shaming here), the identity was utilized heavily for only wanting attention and fame. Not a good idea to be honest.
Thanks to @TGAwesomeYT, the thread was uncovered that "Milly" was a pedo. Our investigations went to a 50/50 but it turns out it was Diogo.
Thanks to @papperboy3498, we have proof that Milly was made by Diogo who also goes by JudyArtz2ndReturn. The catfish one was quite obvious. (Haha.)
Thanks to victim named Nexus, we have more information from him as to who is Diogo. Diogo also said the N-word (how amusing, I had to censor it because modern society). Awesome and co. talked to Nexus. The accounts were made as fakes to hide from the hate he has been receiving.
According to Awesome and everyone else, "Milly" had a PornHub account. But after my own researching, I found out that there are no accounts that exist with those names. The funny thing is that the emails that they had, there was a PornHub account with a completely different name!
The group has already put a prediction to the new identities Diogo might come up with. Hue. I'm going to have to request $1 if this such thing happened. (KIDDING) But jokes aside, we did put our own bets if Diogo came back with a new identity.
Here is a message log from the group to Diogo. Again, the person who did this was a savage. Due to privacy reasons, the usernames will not be revealed.
There was yet another video from the "Milly" channel where it was a video with a stock sound effect of a girl crying. There was no likes except for one, which could be from Geri himself.
I'm already awaiting a confirmation from both Nexus, Geri and etc. who were involved with Diogo/"Milly" for an interview that will be done with research. Which leaves this thread for a new possible update if everything goes through.
Oh, and uh, also... (LOL).
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