Yes Let’s talk about the founders & slavery.

It was never a question of whether or not we would have Slavery, it was always how we would get rid of this deeply ingrained & sinful practice that had been around for thousands of years.

So here is a Timeline of slavery in America:
1787: The Constitutional Convention happens. George Washington says “no new slaves at all, And No Slavery at all in the NW territory.”
In The Constitution: (you can read it yourself.)

They decide on 20 year moratorium on the slave trade.
1792/1793, Thomas Jefferson reappears with a Bill to get rid of slavery all together in the VA House. Perplexing, as he owned slaves at the time, but he was still arguing for the moral good societally. This bill failed the VA House but eventually passed.
By the early 1790s, *almost every single northern state* had abolished Slavery, starting with VT (1787/1788)
Then comes 1807 and on the FIRST DAY HE WAS LEGALLY ABLE TO (remember moratorium) Thomas Jefferson ABOLISHED all incoming slaves via the Slave trade.
So to reiterate- in 20 years, from the birth of our country- this thousands year old stain on the world was already in the beginning of the end stages in America.
It’s not perfect history. It had its ups and downs and even a brutal civil war, but what other country sacrificed so much so quickly?

1865: Abraham Lincoln kept our country together on this Unionist idea that our best days were still ahead of us.
Let’s jump to Frederick Douglas (1865) who said “we need to abolish slavery because I am so inspired by the Declaration of Independence.” He was an abolitionist who understood it.
MLKjr was by no means a saint, but still argued for the moral good when it came to Civil Rights. He said in his famous speech “I come here to cash in the promissory note of the Declaration of Independence.”
He didn’t say “burn it to the ground”, he said “hey Congress, all men are equal. Pass the Civil Rights Act.”
So from the founding of our country to the Civil Rights act of 1960, slavery and inequality have always been a constant theme fought for and sacrificed for by imperfect people.
No other country has pursued a moral good like the United States of America and we should be proud of that and proud of our History.
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