Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces✉

This is a time for you to dive inward to find your direction in life and to recover from this stress + tension you’ve taken on. Things are not as bad as they seem, but the illusions that cloud your mind prevents you from realizing this.
This is a time for you to focus on meeting your own needs. To slow down and regain a better perspective. Many of you haven’t been feeling emotionally fulfilled because you place too much of your worth based off how much money or materialistic items that you have.
It’s time to get your priorities straight because you’ve been investing too much time and energy into situations that ultimately doesn’t serve you. You need to connect and cater to your inner child more. There’s choices that needs to be made.
Your self-esteem is not where it should be because you’ve been focusing on the negative too much. You can’t keep doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. The change you wish to see has to start within you.
Despite the hardships you’re currently facing, know that you’re moving towards a period of expansion and growth. I see many of you becoming successful with moving homes or job offers within the next few weeks or months that will bring in independence and stability for you.
You can follow @obsidianshakti.
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