biden harris and senate races are righteously raising MILLIONS of dollars this weekend.

we must win the electoral college and flip the senate. but we cannot stop there. it's not enough.

i have bad news, democrats: state races and orgs are largely not seeing much of a boost.
this is a historical problem in the party. the gop gets it. they invest in the states. we're starting to do better – but we're really, really behind.

we can fix this in 2020. and we need to – for redistricting, abortion, health care, and a whole lot more.

here's how to help:
1) i have a personal rule for any donation i make to a federal candidate - presidential, senate, or us house – i immediately match that donation with a gift of the same amount (or more!) to a state or local race/ org.

please join me – starting with your donations this weekend.
2) i made a split page so you can donate to @nicolergalloway, @RoyCooperNC, @CooneyforMT, and key spotlight state leg races in one click. we've raised over $2k so far!
3) @runforsomething is leading the way in supporting young progressive and building real infrastructure for the party. help them fill their budget gap.
4) got time on your hands? channel your anger, fear, whatever you got and volunteer from home! direct voter contact will win us this election.

i texted for galloway yesterday – where she's neck and neck with mo's right-wing governor. it was fun and easy. 
You can follow @laura_carolyn.
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