At the end of this thread, you'll find the daily list of sources that posted the top 10 Italian Facebook link posts (ranked by total interactions) during the last 24 hours (data source @crowdtangle). By an idea of Kevin Roose (1/5)
I've scheduled an r job to automatize the process that queries CrowdTangle API and posts the tweet on my Twitter timeline at 20 pm CEST each day. Feel free to ask for the code (2/5)
Please keep in mind that this list is restricted to link type posts. The top 10 sources may look different when including all types of posts (images/videos/etc) (3/5)
Additionally, please also read this thread to understand the difference between impressions and engagement/interactions > (4/5)
Today, 20/09, top Facebook Italian link posts are from:
1. la Repubblica
3. la Repubblica
4. la Repubblica
6. la Repubblica
7. la Repubblica
8. The Social Post
10. la Repubblica (5/5)
You can follow @Fb_ItaTop10.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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