When people who do not live in Kentucky demonize our citizens for McConnell’s reign like we’re all stupid hicks who live in trailers when in reality they’re all elitist pricks who don’t understand the GOP’s choke hold on this state with education and voter suppression
Most of my family on both my mom and dad’s side live in RURUAL Kentucky. I grew up in rural KY. The people I know want you to have your “god given” rights to “be gay, smoke weed, and shoot your gun.” But they won’t vote for Amy because she’s a corporate sellout -
And there’s NOTHING people hate here more than a politician begging for a vote instead of earning it. Kentuckians will not vote for someone that calls them asking for it. They’ll vote for who is giving their kids better schools, fighting with unions, and standing up.
And so if you are some neoliberal loser from anywhere North/ Western to Kentucky, shut the fuck up about organizing in this state. You DO NOT understand it. Don’t blame us, those actually working in communities, for the decades of exploitation this state has seen.
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