Every time I see someone at the top of the opera world mock our intelligence, suffering, and beloved dead from COVID, I think about the countless other singers who don’t. The singers who have transitioned through gritted teeth or full smiles from roles on stage to other roles. 1
Roles as full time caretakers for ill loved ones and friends. Roles as full time homeschool teachers while working and parenting their children at home. Singers who perfect their artistry even though it’s uncertain when an audience will hear the wonderful fruits of that labor. 2
The ones who cannot sing at all right now because their hearts are broken. The UK mezzo, who I think has one of the most exciting voices I know, who took a temp job to clean hospital rooms to support her family and the NHS. The countless others who give what little they have to 3
help those suffering from natural disasters in IA, LA, CA, and OR. Those that are learning, sharing, growing, adapting, collaborating, fighting. Evaluating our practices to make a more equitable, diverse, and just world and industry. Going back to school. Learning new things. 4
Those that are trying, failing, struggling, striving, and trying again. This is the community I choose to be a part of and proud of. Not those who punch down with willful ignorance and cruelty. 5
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