In America, the so-called wealthiest nation in history, a non emergency ambulance transportation from one hospital to another costs nearly 2000$.
If you don't see the problem with this, we don't know what to tell you.
We are considering paying them the 92¢ with a note telling them to stuff it, on principle.
This is why we need #M4A and robust social services. We were not in acute medical distress, we were just suicidal and needed to receive in patient care.
We did not need an ambulance. We simply needed secure transportation from one hospital to the other within the same city. Even at the highest rates, an 13km taxi is less than 300$. The blatant greed and corruption in the for-profit medical industry is out of control.
This should not be news to any of you. We shouldn't be the pebble that causes the avalanche. But in case we are, wake up and take note. The only way to solve this, and stop it from happening again is the abolition of for-profit care.
Life is a human right. The sustenance of that life is equally and inextricably a human right.
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