REASON 1: The Alleged 2016 Precedent. “Republicans are both exercising their lawful powers and delivering for their constituents—which is exactly what they are elected to do.”
REASON 2: One-Way “Precedents.” “Does anyone for a second think, were the shoe on the other foot, the Democrats would hesitate to confirm their pick?”
REASON 3: Stopping Election Chaos. “A street fight settling an American presidential election should be the last thing any decent citizen of either party would want.”
REASON 4: What Is Political Power For? “The whole point of our democratic-republican system is for voters to elect people they perceive to be on their side, who favor their own approach to common problems, and who when given the opportunity then enact that agenda.”
REASON 5: The Politics Are on Our Side. “The worst thing is that you aren’t reelected. Is that so bad? Aren’t you there to cast the tough votes?”
REASON 6: Show Strength in the Face of Chaos. “Not just Republicans but moderates, independents and apoliticals alike are likely to appreciate a show of strength in service to our nation and its constitutional order.”
You can follow @davereaboi.
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