Yesterday we mourned. Today, we act.

I began gathering people to meet today for strategy. We were going to meet at my house. But now 40 people want to join, so we're on zoom. This is about how we can work to take the White House & take the Senate. Where to donate money.../1
...and all volunteer opportunities and for who.

Do not sit feeling powerless. As much as the GOP tries to stop it, this *is* a democracy. Fight back. There are weeks until the election. There is much to be done and no time for self-pity. Will we stop GOP on SCOTUS? Unlikely...2
...and if they get the nominee, this is not done. We need the Senate, we need the presidency. Then, we can reform, reshape SCOTUS, eliminate the politicization. Expand it to a real court where the future is not dependent on GOP trickery.../3
...but none of it happens if you sit around pouting and crying. Could we lose? Sure. If we do nothing, will we be more likely to lose? Yes. So get up, act. Now.

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